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What are Dead Stock Fabrics and why are they sustainable?

frnkow, dead stock fabric, fashion industry, leftover fabric, small fashion brand, sustainable, zero waste


What are Dead Stock Fabrics and why are they sustainable?


What are Dead Stock Fabrics and why are they sustainable?

frnkow, dead stock fabric, fashion industry, leftover fabric, small fashion brand, sustainable, zero waste

                In the world of fashion, sustainability is becoming increasingly important. Consumers are more aware of the environmental impact of their purchases and as a result, small fashion brands are looking for ways to be more sustainable. One such method is using deadstock fabrics. In this article, we will explore what deadstock fabrics are, what makes them sustainable and why they are great for customers.

Deadstock fabrics are fabrics that were not sold by the manufacturer and are often considered to be “waste.” These fabrics can include end-of-line fabrics, surplus fabrics, or fabrics with slight defects. Typically, these fabrics are sold to small brands who can use them for their designs. Using deadstock fabrics is a great way to reduce waste and makes use of materials that would otherwise end up in landfills.

frnkow, dead stock fabric, fashion industry, leftover fabric, small fashion brand, sustainable, zero waste

For small fashion brands, using deadstock fabrics can be incredibly sustainable. First and foremost, it helps to reduce the amount of waste generated in the fashion industry. The fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to waste, according to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the fashion industry produces 92 million tons of waste each year. By using deadstock fabrics, small fashion brands can reduce their contribution to this waste and minimize their environmental impact.

Another benefit of using deadstock fabrics is that it can help small fashion brands to create unique and limited-edition designs. Because deadstock fabrics are often only available in limited quantities, small fashion brands can use them to create one-of-a-kind designs in limited quantities. This can help to set the brand apart from its competitors and create a more loyal customer base.

But why are deadstock fabrics great for customers?

For one, using deadstock fabrics can help to reduce the environmental impact of their purchases. Customers are becoming more aware of the impact of their buying habits on the environment, and by purchasing products made with deadstock fabrics, they can feel good about making a more sustainable choice.

Additionally, products made with deadstock fabrics often have a unique and interesting story behind them. Knowing that their purchase was made with materials that would have otherwise gone to waste can make customers feel like they are part of a larger movement towards sustainability. Customers also appreciate the limited-edition nature of products made with deadstock fabrics, as it can make them feel like they are getting something truly special and unique.

As a young independent fashion brand, FRNKOW has decided to use dead stock fabrics only for all collection pieces. These fabrics are leftovers from Italian and French fashion brands which guarantees the best qualities, designs and standards. Using these high-end fabrics makes the collections unique and helps reducing waste.

3 FRNKOW pieces made with Dead Stock Fabrics